Selfcare is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

You are so worthy of time just for you. To rest, heal and be cared for.

Soul Pamper Session.

The Soul Pamper Session is a mixture of energy healing, aromatherapy and nervous system soothing techniques. This treatment will be intuitively designed for your unique body & mind.

What is a Soul Pamper Session:
🌿 It is an intuitive and blissfully relaxing blend of aromatherapy, Energy Healing and nervous system soothing touch.
🌸 When you arrive we’ll have a chat about how you’re feeling and if there’s anything in Particular you’d like to focus on for the session.
✨From there you just have to relax and allow me work away intuitively guided by your energy ☺️ enjoying beautiful smells of oils, warmth of the bed and the deeply comforting energy work & touch.
🪷 Reiki is so deeply comforting and relaxing, I always feel blissed out after receiving it.
🌺 At your first session Ill give you a healing oil to take home for further healing.

- Cost: €75 for 60 mins. €100 for 90 mins.
- Where: my treatment room is in Manor Village Tralee.
- When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays 11am - 8.30pm

Some Benefits of the Soul Pamper Session:
* Anxiety/Stress relief
* Stimulates physical & emotional healing
* Improves overall wellbeing
* Shift stagnant energy
* Enhance connection to self
* Improve sleep
* Supports Heart healing

My beautiful room is located in Manor Village, Tralee.


Mondays 11-8.30pm

Tuesdays 11-8.30pm

Fridays 11-8.30pm