Join me for this fun filled day retreat to celebrate magical Samhain - also known as the Celtic new year.


Samhain marks the end of the brighter half of the year and the beginning of the cosy and nourishing darker half. Its a wonderful time to reflect on all that has been. And to plant seeds for the future, which we can then nurture through rest & compassion throughout winter. And once springs arrives these seeds/intentions/opportunities will bloom.

I love Samhain so much, I find it brings so much mystical energy and really allows us to connect to our own inner magic. I want this day to both excited your inner child, inner witch and deeply nourish your body and mind.


What to expect:

  • Firstly the location itself is pure magic. Blackdog farm really feels like an escape into nature. between their adorable animals, the whiskey barrel hot tubs and stunning Octagon room surrounded by trees where we’ll be doing our workshops.

  • We’ll tune in to our own inner magic with a heart opening cacao ceremony & intention setting. Topped off with some fun withcy crafts and maybe even a releasing fire ritual.

  • Then well have a big feast & have some time to sit around the bonfire with cups of tea, surrounded by the beauty of blackdog farm and their animals. And the option to take a dip in the glorious wood fire hot tubs - they are heavenly!

  • And what better way to seal in all the magic then with candle lit restorative yoga, music & mantra and yoga nidra to end the day.

Absolutely zero prior experience or knowledge of any of these activities is necessary. Everyone is so welcome. Come with an open mind and heart :)

Where: Blackdog Farm, Beaufort Co. Kerry

When: Sunday 29th October 12-6.30pm

Exchange: €120 - to be paid through revolut or bank transfer. Can be paid in 2 installments.

Booking: Fill out the form below or message me on instagram.

Le Grá,

Ella xoxo