🎶 🌀Savasana Serenade 🌀🎶17 mins

A guided relaxation and spiritual practice all in one 💛

You’ll be lying down for this whole class, ill guide you through a relaxaton meditation to slow the body down and to open up your mind and awareness. Ill then sing a beautiful Sanskrit Mantra which is full of incredible healing energy:

☯️Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram☯️

This mantra balances all the polarities within us. Our left & right hemispheres of the brain, our ying & yang, sun & moon energy! It’s incredible for supporting our bodies innate drive to bring us back to balance at the end of the day 🙏

Enjoy and sweet dreams,

Ella xxx


A Lovely Evening Stretch 🧘‍♀️ 20 mins