Bedtime Rituals

Your Holistic Toolkit for the best nights sleep

🌜Hello Lovely human and welcome to your brand new toolkit for a dreamy night sleep!🌛

Here you’ll find:

8 Guided bedtime rituals all between 5 - 20 minutes long. A beautiful blend of:

  • Yoga Practices.

  • Vagal Breathwork & Pranayama.

  • Guided pressure point massage.

  • Self soothing practices.

  • Guided relaxations & Sleep meditations.

  • Energy Clearing & Renewing Rituals.

  • Mantras for bringing your whole being back to balance after the day.

I purposely made these practices on the shorter side so that they don’t feel overwhelming or unrealistic to add to your evening wind down. You can even do most of them from the comfort of your bed!

As well as being amazing tools for soothing the nervous system before bed these rituals are also beautiful practices for self connection, ending the day on a note of selflove and filling your cup back up before tomorrows brand new day.

Sign up below for life time access to these videos I’ve created with so much love & intention for you.

Sweet Dreams, Ella x

😴⬇️Sign Up Here⬇️😴

Bedtime Rituals - Your Sleep Toolkit
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  • 🎶 🌀Savasana Serenade 🌀🎶17 mins

    🎶 🌀Savasana Serenade 🌀🎶17 mins

    A guided relaxation and spiritual practice all in one 💛

    You’ll be lying down for this whole class, ill guide you through a relaxaton meditation to slow the body down and to open up your mind and awareness. Ill then sing a beautiful Sanskrit Mantra which is full of incredible healing energy:

    ☯️Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram☯️

    This mantra balances all the polarities within us. Our left & right hemispheres of the brain, our ying & yang, sun & moon energy! It’s incredible for supporting our bodies innate drive to bring us back to balance at the end of the day 🙏

    Enjoy and sweet dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • A Lovely Evening Stretch 🧘‍♀️ 20 mins

    A Lovely Evening Stretch 🧘‍♀️ 20 mins

    Nothing feels as a good as a lovely big stretch to end the day! So much of the body tenses and seizing up throughout the day so how wonderful to use these stretches to peel the body open again which in turn allows for stress relief, boost in blood flow, opens up the lungs and heart space and preps the body for a great nights sleep 😴

    Well have fun moving the body, use vagal breathing to soothe the nervous system and use affirmations to end the day on a note of self love 💛

    Enjoy and sweet dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • 🤍 Fill Up Your Cup - Restorative Yoga 🤍 20 mins

    🤍 Fill Up Your Cup - Restorative Yoga 🤍 20 mins

    Some Blissful Restorative Yoga to soothe the nervous system after the day 🤍

    We’ll hold these restful poses for a few minutes each, whilst using our humming breaths to release tension from every cell in the body and affirmations to begin the process of filling back up ☀️

    Fill up you cup after the day ☕️

    Enjoy & Sweet Dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • End of day Energy Clearing ✨ 17 mins

    End of day Energy Clearing ✨ 17 mins

    After a hectic day or after spending time around people it can be normal to feel somewhat drained , like your energy has been scattered outwards or maybe like you’ve absorbed some energy from others. This practice is just beautiful to reclaim your energy and come home to yoursel ✨

    We’ll use cleansing breaths, stimulate the energy meridians, shake out what’s not yours to hold on to and recharge your own precious energy bubble 🫧

    Enjoy & sweet dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • Breathe With The Moon Before Bed 🌙 5 mins

    Breathe With The Moon Before Bed 🌙 5 mins

    A short and sweet practice to allow your body to switch from its heightened day time mode into its its sleepy rest mode. We’ll follow a yogic breath which stimulates our lunar energy - preparing the body for a blissful nights sleep. 🌙 Chandra Bhedhana Pranayama - Moon Breath 🌙

    Enjoy and sweet dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • The Days Over - Put Your Feet Up 🌿15 mins

    The Days Over - Put Your Feet Up 🌿15 mins

    Throughout the day all our energy can get quite condensed around the head due to stimulation, stress and technology so the aim of this practice is the bring the energy out of the head and down to the feet 🌲

    Well do a little bit of self reflexology to increase circulation around the body, stimulate the bodies healing & rest response, boost healthy energy flow after the day.

    Followed by a blissful legs up the wall to further decompress before bed 😴

    Enjoy & sweet dreams,

    Ella xxx

  • Pressure Point Massage to Release The Day 💆‍♀️13 Mins

    Pressure Point Massage to Release The Day 💆‍♀️13 Mins

    In this delightful guided massage we’ll focus on relieving stress & tension from the shoulders, neck & whole of the head. Working with acupressure points, our breath, soothing movements & a lil lymph drainage prepare to feel your body melt into a deeply relaxed state after the day 💆‍♀️

    As the saying goes ‘we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders’ so use this practice to bring ease & relief to anything your body may be holding onto after the day.

    Enjoy & sweet dreams,

    Ella xx

  • Sleep Meditation With Grounding Affirmations🌙 🌲

    Sleep Meditation With Grounding Affirmations🌙 🌲

    Drift off into a dreamy nights sleep with this guided sleep meditation 😴 I've incorporated in some self love & Grounding affirmations towards the end of the meditation. So while you are falling asleep your subconscious mind is absorbing beautiful thoughts of feeling grounded, supported and whole 🌲

    Enjoy & sweet dreams,

    Ella xx

I hope you have the best nights sleep, you stunning human you! Its an absolute honour to guide you through your bedtime rituals 💙

Sweet Dreams, Ella xx

Want to add a little extra comfort and ease to your bedtime rituals?😴

In my selfcare shop you’ll find my wide range of handmade products. As an aromatherapist I’m passionate about creating easy to use products that feel like a soothing hug to your mind, body, nervous system and heart.

You’ll find oil blends, mists, bath soaks, eye pillows and more…